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Reflections on the first week as an tripawd mom

RecoveringI can’t believe that it has been one week since Barret has his front left leg removed. Time really is flying, though I wish this recovery period was finished!

UntitledThe first few days, Barret was more laid back than usual, but not by much. For him it was pretty much life as usual. A few days after (I’d say Saturday afternoon) he started displaying more pain symptoms. He was yelping more often and not sleeping through the night. We added Gabapentin to his regimen and just today my vet increased his dosage of Tramadol to help with the extra pain he seems to be experiencing.



Sunny daysThere has been lots of crying (both him and I) but when I take a moment to step back and look at the wide angle view I have to say that recovery is probably going pretty smoothly. His wound is not swollen or infected. Most likely he is in additional pain because he has done a little too much on his own and his muscles are tender. My only concern in this moment is that he is limping slightly on one of his remaining legs (back left) and he is still in pain.

By far the hardest part of this process is watching your baby be in pain and not being able to ask them what hurts, how much, or really do anything to sooth their pain or explain why they have it.

I’m hoping we are going to start getting better instead of getting worse from this point forward. It’s a new week 🙂

 As marketing professional in the pet supplies trade for over 6 years and a pawrent of 3 dogs and 2 cats, I’ve gained a plethora of pet-related experience ripe for the picking, though I am new to tripawd pawrenting. My goal is to share my story and the knowledge I’ve gained with the pet pawrents everywhere. You can also find me on That Pet Blog or .

~ by BarretsMomHeather on June 18, 2013 . Tagged: ,

3 Responses to “Reflections on the first week as an tripawd mom”

  1.   Michelle Says:

    I would say that his recovery is going great. I know its hard not to let them over do. I did. Once I made Sassy stay in the front yard and not walk over our recovery did better. Its hard to tell them no when they want to keep doing and we think they know their limits. But like a little kid (which Sassy is mine) we have to make those decisions for them

    It will get better 🙂

    Michelle & Sassy

  2.   Christine Says:

    It is very hard not to let them be a dawg… we kept Franklin confined to the tv room for the first week.. and only let him outside to do his business.. he was going a bit stir crazy lol..
    it will get better.. he looks great and so much CUTER!!!
    good luck.. I’m crossing my fingers for a good ercovery for you!

  3.   Shelley Says:

    For Meadow,recovery was a piece of cake,compared to what she had previously been through.She came home from the vet ,less than 24 hrs after her amputation.She ran in the door at home and was greeted by her 2 brothers.From that moment on ,she has been unstoppable.She was thrown off an overpass onto the interstate.She suffered two very badly broken front legs.She underwent major surgery to have pins and plates put in each leg on 2/10/14.The right front leg was too badly damaged and had to be amputated on 4/17/14.She is a foster failure by my family and was adopted by us.The rescue I am involved with is who is responsible for helping her and believing in her…Cheshire Abbey {Jackson ,MS}

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