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Reflections on a rough few weeks

cancer_dog_tag This pretty much sums up how I feel about the month of August.

First there was Bogi. I didn’t really know Bogi through the site or have ever chatted with Manny, but the funny thing about this site is that with each tripawd to pass over the rainbow bridge, no matter how much you knew about their situation or interacted with their people you feel the loss in the deepest part of your heart. All of us pet lovers know what it feels like to lose a pet. Most of us have now come to the realization that a cancer diagnosis and fight makes the human pet bond even tighter than with your other pets and the loss is only that much harder. I cry for each and every one of these losses, because I can’t even begin to imagine how it will feel when Barret crosses the bridge, hopefully many years from now.

578398_10151783629222902_435348777_n Last Wednesday, a coworker that I’ve worked with for 6 years lost her very brief battle with bile duct cancer at age 29. She was at home, peacefully surrounded by her family, her new husband whom she married at the hospital during her brief illness, and her 3 beloved dogs. She was an amazing person, and I wish I had gotten to know her better while she was on this earth. Looking back, I can never remember ever seeing anything but a smile on her face. She was like sunshine, she really did brighten a room.

Yesterday, this community learned of the loss of Brendol and Sassy. My heart aches for the loss that Karma and Michelle are feeling right now. I wish I had words that could make it all better, make it go away, but I don’t. I am at a loss for words.

Both Karma and Michelle were ever present in the chat rooms and forums, dolling out advice and lending a virtual shoulder to lean on when recovery was rough. I will forever appreciate and cherish all of the people who were able to support me through the decision to amputate, through to recovery and those who still cheer on every ampuversary and month that we go without finding cancerous regrowth. I cherish every member of this community, regardless of if I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with them. I haven’t been as available to this community since going back to school and working full time, but I do keep up with the blogs and try to add my 2 cents when I can in the forums. I think about Tripawds on a daily basis.

All this loss has made me hold my dogs a little tighter, snuggle a little closer. It’s making me realize that life is so fragile, so fickle and can end at any time. Cherish each moment you have with your pets, your family and your friends. It is so precious.

**Edit: I think I read somewhere on Facebook that Deuce passed this month too. If I forgot anyone else’s loss, please know that this post applies to you as well.

~ by BarretsMomHeather on August 21, 2013 .

6 Responses to “Reflections on a rough few weeks”

  1.   Christine Says:


  2.   benny55 Says:

    Yout sentiments were beautifully expressed.

    The loss of your friend is insanely tragic. Please pass our cndolences on to her family She clearly was a bright spot on this earth with immense love and compassion.

    Like all of us, I guess, when first joining the site was focused n tme frames and lookng forward to years of togetherness, beatng the odds, etc. And then the “first loss” happened, suddenly and almost no warning, then the second, third and on and on. Some had very, very little time together or didn’t even get to experience full recovery (the most tragice of all). Some had more time and, on rare occasions, some “beat the odds”.

    And while we all still hope for a miracle, we’ve learned to let go of tkme frames as best we can, and jump in with both feet into the bliss that every single second with our pets brings us. As is said so often tnere will be plentyof time for tears. For now, enjoy the moment, be fully present, and relish in the gift of every heart beat, every breath and every tail wag..

    Yout pendant rocks! So do you!

    Lots of love to you and Barret! I bet you can MAKE time (hint, hint) to get js a realy cute oicture of Barret today, maye, huh? We need a smile and he always makes us smile:-)

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3.   Michelle Says:

    Beautiful Heather.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  4.   atlasmom Says:

    Oh my gosh, so tragic about your friend, so young. ‘Show pendant here’

    Heather you summed up so beautifully everything i was just thinking. Had only been able to pop online briefly last week and now I see we lost Sassy and Brendol and I’m like ….wait….what!?!?!?

    Cancer sucks. Tears are flowing, my heart breaks for Karma and Michelle.

    Going to go hug Atlas


  5.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    This community is a lot like a family, and when one of us goes through the loss of a friend, it hurts us all.

    The only good thing about this is the connections we make and the love and support we get here. I am pretty sure Karma and Michelle know that they are loved and that any of us would hold them up and carry the weight if we could, but it’s still hard to know what our friends are enduring.


  6.   tracyintacoma Says:

    Everything said conveys how I am feeling exactly, especially after reading about the too, too many losses so many are facing right now. We wish we could take the pain of loss away, if only for a moment.

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